Made in Namibia Collection


With Us


A Supplier

To apply:

  • Fill in the contact form below
  • We will get back to you within 48 hours.

How it works:

  • We will provide shelf space in our store to display the Suppliers' merchandise.
  • The Supplier provides mutually agreed items from their product range on a consignment basis.
  • We will add a markup onto your products, supplied at a wholesale rate.
  • More information can be found in the Terms & Conditions below.

Note that all products provided are expected to be purely Made-In-Nambia to apply.

Terms and Conditions:

1. MINC agrees:

1.1 To provide shelf- and/or floor space to adequately display the Suppliers’ merchandise 
1.2 To provide at least 1x A4 printed and laminated full colour indoor shop display signage, clearly distinguishing the respective Supplier’s in combination with the MINC brand (a proof is available to Suppliers on request) 
1.3 To continuously market and advertise the MINC Concept Store with the aim of attracting potential buyers either through local media channels or through the use of social media platforms 
1.4 To ensure that local media remain informed in order to ensure, where possible, that the MINC Concept Store receives adequate editorial coverage 
1.5 To staff the MINC Concept Store for the duration of this agreement. The shop will continue to be opened for 7 days a week during the following operating hours: Mon – Sat 9:00 – 18:00 & Sun 10:00 – 17:00 (times may vary based on high season and low season tourism). 
1.6 To do random stock counts 
1.7 To pay Supplier for goods sold on or before the 10th of the month following each month end 
1.8 To take out insurance for both public liability and on a total limit of contents of the shop (including stock) for the duration of this agreement 
1.9 To install CCTV and/or an alarm system for the duration of this agreement

2. The Supplier agrees:

2.1 To supply MINC with mutually agreed items within the Suppliers product range on a consignment basis 
2.2 To supply said consignment stock to MINC at a wholesale rate that is mutually agreed to by both parties 
2.3 To supply MINC with a list of consignment stock digitally either as an excel or word doc & ensure that a delivery note accompanies stock received by MINC 
2.4 To restock MINC within 2 weeks (14 days) of reordering 
2.5 To supply MINC with only the best quality products and to ensure quality checks are done prior to any goods being dispatched 
2.6 To accept any faulty or customer returns (within a reasonable time), and should MINC have already paid said Supplier for the sale, to credit MINC immediately 
2.7 To pay courier charges for any such returned products 
2.8 To supply MINC with a good quality logo and product photos for display & social media marketing purposes (where applicable) 
2.9 To redirect any coastal customers enquiries (online or otherwise) about the Suppliers’ product range to the MINC Concept Store first before supplying directly and to keep online prices within a 15-20% margin 
2.10 To pay MINC in advance a monthly shelf space rental fee of N$230.00p.m (VAT incl) as from 1___________202_ should and only if your products sell well and both the supplier & MINC agree to extend/renew this agreement beyond the 3 months probational period.

3. MINC reserves the right:

3.1 To mark-up Suppliers products at its discretion and at a reasonable percentage, taking into account any recommended selling price by the Supplier

4. Courier charges & Return Policy

4.1 Courier of all consignment stock to Swakopmund is to be paid for by the Supplier. Efficient and/or cheaper alternative carriage (i.e. a lift or an informal shuttle service) is acceptable to MINC however, the stock needs to arrive in Swakopmund by no later than one (1) week after order is complete for dispatch (unless prior arrangements have been made) and regarding reorders, within the turnaround production time as stipulated in clause 2.3 above 
4.2 Should any stock need to be returned to the Supplier for any reason, any charges will be for the Suppliers account

5. Indemnity

For the duration of this Agreement, MINC Concept Store, HIMScc, its management, its staff and its director(s) hereby indemnify themselves against any loss of the Suppliers’ products during courier stages, armed robbery, act of God or by damage while said Suppliers goods are in the MINC Concept Store possession during operating hours (PS: insurance after hours, please refer clause 1.8 above).

6. Exclusive merchandise rights

MINC will not permit merchandising exclusivity rights to any Supplier. MINC will endeavour, to the best of its ability, to keep a fair balance of Suppliers within the MINC Concept Store, in order to give the customer both choice and variety of products

7. Shelving rights & Window display

MINC retains the right to pack out the Suppliers product range on a shelf and/or floor space of MINC’s choice and to rotate all merchandise as and when MINC deems it necessary. This clause also pertains to MINC’s right to display and rotate Suppliers’ stock in the window displays as and when MINC deems it necessary

8. Additional marketing material

No additional Supplier marketing material (posters, flyers, signage or other display material) will be accepted by MINC for display purposes (unless alternative agreement is reached with MINC)

9. Suppliers non-right or claims in terms of MINC lease agreement with the Lessor

In terms of this agreement, no Supplier has any rights whatsoever in terms of MINC’s lease agreement with the Lessor

10. Supplier branding & Any Direct Orders

10.1 Although it is permitted for the Supplier’s name to appear on the merchandise, it is hereby requested that all other contact details (telephone, email, website) in the form of labels and/or stickers be removed from Suppliers products prior to it being sent to the MINC Concept Store. Should products arrive with labels or stickers, MINC reserves the right to remove such stickers unless prior arrangement with MINC has been made. 
10.2 As previously mentioned, MINC hereby requests the supplier to direct any coastal enquiries to the MINC Concept Store in order to assist with the mutually beneficial success of this venture